Late Bloomer

when i was in school, it would have helped if they made us stand facing eachother in PE and told one another one thing that made us beautiful. Eventhough some of us could not run fast enough; life for some is not a competition and it is not a race. School could’ve been a place to discuss our astral geography, our place in the order of things, the formula for happiness, how to use words to replace our fist and why our bodies sometimes destroy themselves from within. Every assembly i would have to listen to the national anthem and mouth it in malaise and think about the fact that we have more in common with the immigrants and refugees drowning in the sea and burning on land than we do with the people in charge. They kept asking me what i wanted to be and i knew my safe answer; Doctor. I couldn’t tell them i wanted to be a falcon and a lightbulb and a magician and an explorer of Time & Space, because there wasn’t a form for that; “no clear cut career trajectory”. And why didn’t they tell me that people could be Gods and our bodies cathedrals. That i would find my religion and that it is just a word that really means Believe.